What we're reading these days By Maddy on May 18, 2016

Here at the Gastrobug headquarters, we're spending some time getting back to basics.


This week we've acquired An Introduction to the Study of Insects by Borror, Triplehorn and Johnson, which is (I'm told) THE primer for all things insectoid.  We hope, with a better background in what insects are and how they work and their little insecty habits, we can come to this enterprise with a fuller understanding of what we're working with and what we can do with them.


We've also acquired Batch by Joel Maccharles and Dana Harrison, which is a thorough guide on food preservation with what looks like incredibly clear, straightforward instructions, some incredibly tasty-looking recipes and a listing of contents by food type. Naturally, in order to make bugs irresistibly tasty, we need to know our kitchen techniques backwards, forwards and inside out, and food preservation seems like a wonderful addition to our skill set.


What do you think?  Any must reads for your favourite bug-loving food-obsessed friends at Gastrobug?

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