(Image from Wired.com)
As we read things on the internet, we bookmark them to share with you fine, fine folks. Generally we intend to share them one at a time, but if we fall behind we end up with a swarm of insect-related links. So here are a bunch of them at once!
The Insect Innovation Network - Connect to speed up insect innovations through business & knowledge.
Insects as Sustainable Food Ingredients - This book about Production, Processing and Food Applications is out now, and looks great!
Cookie Martinez - Columbian street-food in Toronto, Ontario, with an entomo twist.
North American Edible Insects Coalition - Lots of great folks getting involved with this.
How Not to Eat Insects - Insects can be hunted to extinction, too.
A Mealworm Meal? - Dal students' startup goes international.
Can Eating Insects Save the World? - 2013 BBC Documentary.
What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Bugs - Eat This, Not That.