Link Swarm: September 6, 2016

(Image from   As we read things on the internet, we bookmark them to share with you fine, fine folks. Generally we intend to share them one at a time, but if we fall behind we end up with a swarm of insect-related links. So here are a bunch of them at once! The … Continued

Vlog: Eating Grasshoppers

In the third instalment of our infrequently-released video blog, Maddy and I ate grasshoppers for the first time! Well, it’s technically a compilation of our first two attempts at eating grasshoppers, which happened a couple months apart. But we got it on camera, which is what counts. We also got our toddler excitedly singing along with … Continued

Went Fishin’

Readers of the site might notice that we’ve been a bit quiet lately. Other than an awesome Donuts recipe we posted at the beginning of the week, we haven’t posted anything in a little over a month. And we haven’t posted any recipes in even longer. So what’s up with that? To paraphrase Megatron: “We still function!” … Continued

HOW TO: Rehydrate Freeze-Dried Insects

Maddy and I got some grasshoppers recently from Grub in the UK. We’re super-excited to be branching out into another species, because we’ve never had grasshoppers before. This is what they look like in the package:   They aren’t any bigger than the grasshoppers we’ve seen jumping around all our lives, but when you know you’re … Continued

Vlog: Crobar Taste-Test

It’s another video from us, and this time we try out Gathrfood’s Crobar cricket-powered protein bars!

Vlog: BBQ Attempt

It’s the first Gastrobug vlog, where we’re cataloguing the various insect-related things we’re up to. Maddy and Brian put some insects on the smoker. We cook up some crickets, waxworms and hornworms. Are they tasty? Are they even done cooking? Who knows!

Working on a new mealworm setup

Mealworms grow quickly, but the growing and harvesting can take up a lot of time, depending on how many you’re growing. We’ve got an in-depth post describing how we’re doing it currently — that’ll be coming soon — and we’re currently planning a sort of v2 of our mealworm setup. The ultimate goal is to … Continued

Broadening our Horizons

So far here at Gastrobug we’ve mostly eaten a bunch of ground up mealworms and crickets, with occasional snacks of dry roasted critters. Recently we broadened our horizons and tried some crickets that we cooked from frozen — which were great, and which we’ll be talking about soon! — and today we picked up some … Continued


We’ve got a lot of mealworm pupae that are turning into a lot of Darkling Beetles!


Our mealworms are growing up so fast; soon they’ll be headed off to college.